The adventure begins

Okay, picking up from where I left of (which is terrible seeing that it has been a solid 8 months of no updates since then), many things have happened and I’m glad to be back here again.

I toyed with the idea of going to NZ or Australia on a Work and Holiday visa for a few years now. I tried to apply for a Work and Holiday visa (WHV) to New Zealand for about 2 years and was never successful (the site just kept on crashing on me).

About a year ago, I decided to try my luck for the Australian WHV for Malaysians. With only 100 spots available each year (as opposed to NZ’s quota of 1,150 spots), I knew I stood a tiny chance and prepared myself for another unsuccessful attempt. 100 vs 1,150 spots, go figure.

Unlike New Zealand that actually specifies when the next round will open, the announcement for Australia’s WHV opening will only appear 2 weeks prior (so I have been told). This means that one will have to constantly check the website to see if a new announcement has popped up.

One night, I randomly decided to check the website having not checked it for a few days and by some miracle, the announcement appeared! And the opening is the next morning! I remember thinking to myself, “WHAT! PERFECT TIMING, GOTTA GO SLEEP NOW” and went straight to bed. I made sure I got up super early, gathered all the information required to book an appointment and rushed straight to work to do it (it was gonna open at 9AM!).

Anyways! I managed to successfully secure my booking with mini panic attacks in between cause the slots were greyed out until 9.10AM despite stating that it will open at 9. All 100 slots were filled in 3 minutes apparently. It was insane.

I will write another post on the process and documents required but it would only apply to Malaysians wanting to apply for the WHV.

Till then, shine bright everyone!

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