As the world battles against Covid-19, most of us have settled or are trying to settle into a new way of life. Activities that once dominated our lifestyle now have strict restrictions placed upon them. Even something as simple as heading to the shops to grab some necessities require a strategic plan to be put in place. Going out for groceries is an essential task most of us must go through and it has become such a challenging process. Some countries are lucky enough to have a 2 persons limit when going out while others only allow the head of family to do the shopping. It is hard to solo grocery shopping, especially if you have a large family to feed. It is something that I personally face. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when going grocery shopping during lockdown.

Prepare a list
Before leaving the house, make sure you have a list of items to purchase. Check your fridge and pantry to determine what needs stocking up. A trip to the store is now a planned occasional treat. So, make sure to list down everything that you need to buy to last the days or week, depending on your shopping frequency. It also reduces unnecessary trips out just to get items that you might miss out.
Bring only your essentials
Bring only what you need in a small pouch. Your phone, keys, cards, pocket hand sanitiser, a face mask, gloves (optional) and some cash. Try not to bring too many things with you otherwise you’ll have a field day cleaning everything.
Wear a face mask
With such limited supply of face masks in the market, many are turning to their own home-made face mask. I stick to the common surgical mask when going out. When putting a face mask on, ensure that the metal strip is on top and pressed snugly to fit the bridge of your nose. Always make sure to keep the mask on while you’re out and about.
Use hand sanitiser
A number of reports have suggested to use hand sanitisers that contain at least 60% alcohol to be effective. Sanitise your hands after touching door handles or any surfaces, especially before getting into your car or mode of transport. However, whenever you have the chance, wash your hands with soap and water. Nothing ever beats washing your hands!
Practice social distancing
Make sure to keep at least 1 metre apart from the people around you. If you hear anyone sneezing or coughing, walk the other way. Best to be safe than sorry. If you’re the one not feeling well, please stay home.
Take only what you need
If you see something that you need, pick it up. However, if it wasn’t on your list but you’re thinking of getting it, touch the item only if you’re absolutely sure that it will be going into your cart.
Also, please be mindful of the fact that everyone is going through the same predicament so please do not hoard and buy only what you need.
Contactless payments
Where possible, stick to contactless payments and only use cash at stores that only trades in cash. Since I don’t carry cash with me, I am always stuck at shops that do not trade in anything but cash.
Wash your hands
It is important to practice good hand hygiene. Always wash your hands whenever you can and only use hand sanitisers if you have no immediate access to soap and water. WHO has provided illustrated steps on how to wash your hands the proper way. It may be a bit tedious but at this point of time, better to be safe than sorry.
Dispose of face mask and gloves
Once you’re back home, dispose of the face mask and gloves in a small disposable bag and tie it up. Don’t dispose it in the common trash bin.
Wash hands with soap and water
Quickly wash your hands following WHO’s guideline. Don’t forget to wash in between your fingers, wrists and underneath your nails.
Rinse produce and sanitise non-food items that you have bought
Give your fresh produce a good rinse and do not leave them outside to “dry” as some social media sites may have suggested. It may cause unwanted bacterial growth, defeating the purpose of going out for fresh produce.
Use a sanitiser and wipe down every non-food item that you have bought. Wash and dry off any reusable bags that you have carried with you. This step is precisely why I mentioned earlier to bring as little things with you as possible when you go out.
Take a shower
Once you’ve done cleaning / sanitising everything, make sure to wash your body thoroughly, paying special attention to your hands and face. Twenty seconds is all you need.
Immediately put clothes in the washer
After you’ve washed yourself clean, make sure to put your clothes in the washer immediately! When it is done, hang to dry or throw it into the dryer.
I know that the listed steps above are a bit much but at the rate that the virus is spreading, it is best to err on the side of caution. It’s just some extra steps that I personally take whenever I go grocery shopping during the lockdown period.

The chart above suggests the lifespan of the Covid-19 on various surfaces. Can you imagine the amount of items that we all go through when going grocery shopping during the lockdown period? I find it hard not to be paranoid. Hence, it is super important that we all practice proper hygiene to keep us and our loved ones safe!
Stay safe everyone!