Packing for a Year Abroad in Australia

Whether you are a seasoned traveller or an occasional one, the one thing you will always have in common is: P-A-C-K-I-N-G. Packing is an exciting but challenging process! It is literally ONE YEAR IN A SUITCASE!

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One of my travelling nightmares.

I would always make a list of items that I will need and may need depending on my travel destination and purpose. And because I am such a “best to be safe than sorry” kinda person, I start packing like 1 week (sometimes 2) in advance. Just because it builds excitement and a whole lot of mess in my room.

Packing my whole life into a suitcase for a one year trip is WAY different than packing for say like a one to two weeks holiday. AND yes, I prefer a suitcase instead of a backpack. Nothing wrong with a backpack but I feel more comfortable with a suitcase eventhough it can be very tedious at times having to lug it around when you’re moving between cities.

The issue with travelling to a country with 4 seasons is that there is a tendency to pack more than less. I arrived in Melbourne during the end winter/early spring season and boy, was the weather just crazy. I had to bring jackets and what not. Melbourne is notorious for having 4 seasons in 1 day. Talk about erratic. When I headed up north, I sent my thick jackets and clothes back home and bought a good cardigan to keep me warm on chilly days.

Here is a skeleton of my packing list which I hope will be able to help anyone else:

What you will need when packing:

  • Travel documents (passport and your local Identity Card)
  • Cash (and Credit Cards if you have one)
  • A week and a half worth of clothes (don’t forget your underwear)
  • Towel (quick dry material would be best)
  • Toiletries (travel sized as you can always buy more wherever you are)
  • Electronics (try not to bring the whole shebang, just enough for your to stay sane and connected unless social media is life for you)
  • Some basic medicine (paracetamol, charcoal and the basic lot)
  • Sunblock (especially if you’re heading to Northern parts of Australia – sun is pretty extreme there)
  • Some sanitary napkins (for you ladies out there)

What you may need to pack:

The items on this list varies from person to person and as specified in the heading, it refers to items that you MAY need.

  • Makeup & Accessories (just enough for you to glam yourself when the situation calls for it)
  • Travel sized hairdryer
  • An extra pair of shoes (found this handy cause mine broke after a few days…)
  • A good umbrella (SUN IS BAD HERE!)
  • A foldable overnight bag (handy for when you wanna go on short trips with friends)
  • A sleeping bag (you just never know…)

And that is the basic of the basics (for me that is). Anything more than that would depend on your travelling and packing style. The lesser things I carry with me, the better, as I knew I would have to lug my own luggage when moving cities or places. Besides, I can always pop into a store to grab whatever I need that I did not bring with me (the perfect excuse for me to shop).

Enjoy packing everyone! Trust me, it is heaps better than unpacking.

Until next time, shine bright everyone!

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